Most of us that have suffered with insomnia know quite a bit about what we should be doing to sleep better. We're inundated with all kinds of information about what might help us sleep. And, we might try a new idea or habit here or there. But, we often don't stick to that new habit long enough to see results, or it just doesn't have a noticeable impact on it's own. Sometimes it's necessary to make a strong commitment to making a change for a period of time long enough to truly feel the value of it, and get the motivation you need for lasting change.
Many of us either know someone who's done the Whole30® diet program or tried it ourselves. This involves eating only unprocessed food for 30 days, no grain, no sugar, no easy feat. But, much of the power of it comes from the duration. It's long enough to notice a difference in how you feel, but short enough to see light at the end of the tunnel when the going gets tough.
That's the inspiration behind the "Clean 30" challenge. It's a chance to make a strong commitment to living the type of life that's conducive to great sleep and not taking shortcuts that are likely to cause more sleep problems in the long run (no THC products or melatonin). Like Whole30®, many will find the rules to be somewhat challenging to stick to, but you can handle anything for 30 days!
The commitments and guidelines of "Clean 30" are techniques I've found to work for me through many years of seeking answers to my own struggles with insomnia. Many are well-known and broadly accepted habits beneficial for sleep, like limiting exposure to electronics after a certain hour. Others, might be a bit more novel, such as setting a goal for yourself to work towards for the 30 days. I've noticed in myself that I sleep a lot better at night when I'm giving something my all, consistently. What'll be your "Clean 30" accomplishment?
Have you struggled with chronic insomnia and have yet to find a long-term solution? Do you have problems getting good sleep consistently? Looking for ways to boost your Whoop® recovery scores?
Consider yourself "Clean 30" challenged! Join our "Clean 30" Facebook group using the link below for access to the guide, exclusive bonus content, community, and motivation, all 100% free: